Archive for December, 2008

3 Alarms on Christmas Eve

December 25th, 2008 by Commissioner

December 24th shortly after 4am Co’s 10, 12, 13, 14, and York County 68 were dispatched to a Structure fire on the 200 block of Bridge St.  Unit response was slow due to iced up personal vehicles at home and icy road conditions.  Chief 10 was first on the scene with fire showing from the second floor of the rear of the building.  Chief 10 requested 2nd alarm minutes after arriving on the scene.  Engine 2-10 and Truck 10 arrived a few minutes after Chief 10.  Squad 13 arrived moments after them and laid a line from 3rd and Bridge to the front of the structure.  The Squad had 2 handlines in service and supplied Truck 12.  Engine 2-10 picked up the hydrant at Bridge St. and Second St. and laid a second supply line into the scene.  Truck 10 accessed the rear of the structure from Locust Alley.  Engine 2-13 arrived and laid a supply line in the Alley to Truck 10 and also had 1 handline in service.  Truck 12 set up at the front of the building next to the Squad.  Minutes after requesting the 2nd alarm, the 3rd alarm was requested by command 10.  Units arriving from these alarms were staged and put to work to help control and overhaul the fire.

The Fire Marshal was requested to the scene. The American Red Cross assisted the victims of the fire.



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Santa passes through town

December 25th, 2008 by Commissioner

Tuesday night on the 23rd of December, the WSBF was privileged with the opportunity to escort Santa through the communities of Wormleysburg and Lemoyne. 

Following the visit from Santa, the members of the WSBF sat down together and shared a meal put together by the Company Chefs.


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Christmas Safety

December 19th, 2008 by Commissioner


It’s that time of the year, Christmas Trees are in homes everywhere, Christmas lights are hanging outside and the large gatherings are soon to begin.  Important safety tips to keep in mind during this time of the year.

1. Trees catch fire easily, keep them watered! The National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA) has a video online here that shows the difference in flamability of a dry christmas tree (left) versus a christmas tree that is watered regularly (right).

2. Don’t over do it with the lights.  It’s recommended not to connect more then 3 strings of lights together unless the manufacturer recommendations say otherwise.

3. Cooking safety discussed in our Thanksgiving Article still applies.  Read here

Recommendations are according to the United States Fire Administration.  Read their information about holiday safety online here.  Information is also available from the NFPA online here.

Door Pop on the Beltway

December 12th, 2008 by Commissioner

Thursday evening shortly after 2330 hrs., the Engine Co. was dispatched to Rt 581 East Bound for a multiple vehicle accident with confinement.  The accident blocked the East Bound lanes allowing Engine 3 to drive against traffic flow to get to the incident scene.  The other apparatus were delayed due to dealing with the back logged traffic.  The crew from Engine 3 popped a passenger door to extricate one patient from the driver side of the Mitsubishi Eclipse involved.

During this incident the Squad was working another incident dispatched prior to this accident.  They were committed for quite a few hours helping a Camp Hill resident with flooding problems in their home from the crazy abundance of rain recieved over the past 2 days.


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