Wednesday Night Training

August 7th, 2009 by Commissioner

Wednesday August 6th, the WSBF training night was a simulated response to an auto accident with a vehicle overturned and ejection.  Crews arrived on scene to find a vehicle had rolled over and back on to it’s 4 wheels with a patient, in this case a training dummy, underneath the rear wheels of the vehicle.   The apparatus was unable to stage close to the scene, the Squad and Engine crew split in to two teams.  One team went down a steep embankment and began working on rescuing the patient.  The second team stayed on top of the embankment, loaded tools into stokes baskets and lowered them down to the team working the rescue.  The second team also prepared a haul system to bring the patient to the top of the embankment.  Just another training night at the WSBF.








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