Busy Busy Day

December 4th, 2007 by Commissioner

Monday December 3rd, the WSBF ran a total of 6 calls.  It all started with an Automatic Fire Alarm in the middle of the night around 145hrs.  The Squad ran 2 more calls in Camp Hill between 0800hrs and 1000hrs.  Around 1300hrs Engine 313 was alerted to transfer to Newberry Township while Newberry Fire Company was working a Hazardous Materials Incident.  While Engine 313 was in Newberry Township Air 13 was toned out for a second alarm assignment at a mobile home fire in Conewago Township, York County.  Minutes after that Engine 313 was also alerted to respond to the incident from the stand-by in Newberry Township.  Seconds before arriving on the scene command 26 (Conewago Township) held the units that were already on the scene and requested Engine 313 to stand-by at Station 26.  Chief 31 advised Engine 313 was no longer needed at Company 31 (Newberry)  so Engine 3 took the stand-by assignment for Conewago Township.  Engine 313 returned home around 1700hrs.  All remained quiet for the WSBF through the remainder of the evening.

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